Ge:37:12: And his brethren went to feed their father's flock in Shechem.
Ge:37:13: And Israel said unto Joseph, Do not thy brethren feed the flock in Shechem?  come, and I will send thee unto them.  And he said to him, Here am I.
Ge:37:14: And he said to him, Go, I pray thee, see whether it be well with thy brethren, and well with the flocks; and bring me word again.  So he sent him out of the vale of Hebron, and he came to Shechem.
Ge:37:15: And a certain man found him, and, behold, he was wandering in the field: and the man asked him, saying, What seekest thou?
Ge:37:16: And he said, I seek my brethren: tell me, I pray thee, where they feed their flocks.
Ge:37:17: And the man said, They are departed hence; for I heard them say, Let us go to Dothan.  And Joseph went after his brethren, and found them in Dothan.
Ge:37:18: And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to slay him.
Ge:37:19: And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh.
Ge:37:20: Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured him: and we shall see what will become of his dreams.
Ge:37:21: And Reuben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands; and said, Let us not kill him.
Ge:37:22: And Reuben said unto them, Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, and lay no hand upon him; that he might rid him out of their hands, to deliver him to his father again.
Ge:37:23: And it came to pass, when Joseph was come unto his brethren, that they stript Joseph out of his coat, his coat of many colours that was on him;
Ge:37:24: And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it.
Ge:37:25: And they sat down to eat bread: and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and, behold, a company of Ishmeelites came from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt.
Ge:37:26: And Judah said unto his brethren, What profit is it if we slay our brother, and conceal his blood?
Ge:37:27: Come, and let us sell him to the Ishmeelites, and let not our hand be upon him; for he is our brother and our flesh.  And his brethren were content.
Ge:37:28: Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt.
Ge:37:29: And Reuben returned unto the pit; and, behold, Joseph was not in the pit; and he rent his clothes.
Ge:37:30: And he returned unto his brethren, and said, The child is not; and I, whither shall I go?
Ge:37:31: And they took Joseph's coat, and killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood;
Ge:37:32: And they sent the coat of many colours, and they brought it to their father; and said, This have we found: know now whether it be thy son's coat or no.
Ge:37:33: And he knew it, and said, It is my son's coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces.
Ge:37:34: And Jacob rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his loins, and mourned for his son many days.
Ge:37:35: And all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted; and he said, For I will go down into the grave unto my son mourning.  Thus his father wept for him.
Ge:37:36: And the Midianites sold him into Egypt unto Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh's, and captain of the guard.

Chapter 38
Ge:38:1: And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah.
Ge:38:2: And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her.
Ge:38:3: And she conceived, and bare a son; and he called his name Er.
Ge:38:4: And she conceived again, and bare a son; and she called his name Onan.
Ge:38:5: And she yet again conceived, and bare a son; and called his name Shelah: and he was at Chezib, when she bare him.
Ge:38:6: And Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, whose name was Tamar.
Ge:38:7: And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD slew him.
Ge:38:8: And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.
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